Saturday, June 13, 2009

A whole new me...

It's time. Time for me to get myself in order...financially, physically, all around. So, I've made some changes which I hope will be successful. For a start, I joined Weight Watchers. We have a meeting right at work during the lunch hour, so there's no excuses for me anymore. It's a much needed lifestyle change that will hopefully teach me lessons I can apply to the rest of my life. In that spirit, here was one of my recent breakfast meals. I'm not normally a yogurt fan, but fat free vanilla yogurt has the sweetness that I crave and my texture issue was disguised by the low fat granola and fruit. It was very delicious and I think I might have to make it again sometime!

It's the little things that are tough. The bad habits I've gotten myself into over the past who-knows-how-many-years. Having the support helps and I am quite partial to the online tools. So here's hoping I can make the changes that are more than needed in my life! What one thing would you like to change in your life? Care to join me on our personal challenges? It's always easier when you have someone else walking right beside you! Here's to a new me and you!!!


  1. Hey girl, that's awesome! I too, am looking to jump on teh weight loss train. I just saw a picture of myself and when I got home I cried like an effing baby by how much I've let myself go. :-/ I wish you well on your journey, though I'm sure you'll be AWESOME either way! :-)

  2. You know I'm here to support you 100%!! Let me know if you have any questions about WW -- I'm sure you'll do great! At least now I'll have someone to hold me accountable when we encounter all that deep fried food in Iowa in August! LOL. Keep me posted on your progress! WW DOES work! You just have to work for it too! :)
