Wednesday, June 17, 2009


First week down, 4.6 pounds melted away! Yeah baby! I was more than excited to step on the scale for once. I knew I had done a decent job watching what I was eating last week and thought maybe 3 pounds, but never expected almost 5. I was the "biggest loser" in my group today and after my leader asked me to share my results this week, I got a big round of applause. Pretty sure I heard a few "wows." And it felt really good, not gonna lie.

I think this group meeting thing is good for me because I am competitive and though I'm not in competition with everyone directly, they still inspire me to do my best. It's like I am back in first grade again...when we contributed to the group conversation, we got a sticker for our bookmarks. Seemingly dumb, I know, but never underestimate the power of a little sticker! Next week I'm going for my first 5 pound sticker and then some! My first goal is losing 35 pounds in this 17 week session. 2 pounds a week seems attainable, although I know that I'll plateau at some point, which means that I'll just have to work harder when that time comes. It feels good to have a goal again, something to work towards and motivate me.

The first week I focused on the plan and Points. I got used to the idea that I can't gorge myself on whatever craving I'm having at the time. I focused on making better choices, eating better portions, and getting used to the changes. Now it's time to get moving. I went for a nice walk after work and hopefully can keep that up over the next few weeks. Eventually it'll be time to hit the gym, but that'll come with time.

Success feels good. I know it's not much yet, but it's hopefully the start of something great. And I can do this. I need to do this. I have to do this. Honest to blog.