Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Top 11 Reasons My Weekend Was Baller (Is that like the bomb?!?)

11.) Sushi lessons at the boathouse!

10.) Bonfires with friends and family that wreak havoc on the ab muscles from unending laughter.

9.) Gorgeous sunny days spent in the place that means the most with the people who mean the most.

8.) Peacocks originated in India. Who knew?

7.) All I'll ever need to know can be found in books on tape.

6.) Smooth Away back hair...not mine for the record!

5.) Painted nails for everyone!

4.) 4 Fs...Friends, Family, Fun, Fires (as in the bonfire kind, not the 4 alarm kind)

3.) Beware of Trevor's Words of Wisdom. We're not so sure that they're, ummm, wise.

2.) I caught my first big non-crap fish...a 3 1/2 pound largemouth bass! Props to Jana, the best netter ever! Don't worry that I freaked out while catching it. Definitely not me!

1.) WWJD...What Would Jan Do?


  1. I <3 #1. :) I also need to email you about this summer of touring, haha!

  2. Damn that fish is huge. And the look on your face is priceless! Haha.

    I'm glad you had fun with friends and fam over the holiday weekend, and I hope you're all caught up on sleep and feeling better!
