Saturday, August 15, 2009

Life these days...

...has been crazy busy!
...has been crazy fun!
...involves an almost 20 pound weight loss in 9 weeks! n0t slowing down anytime soon, except for last night!
...brings new foods and new friends into my life!
...brings a little KC action, yeah baby!
...has been sad and happy, all at once!
...has stirred up old feelings I thought were gone...yet again!
...has envoked wonderful new feelings and hope for the future, our future!
...involves planning for Oktoberfest! Fest with the Best baby!
...hopefully brings a drama free, highlight of the summer, kick butt weekend! good!

How about yours?


  1. my life these days is sleep-deprived, full of scrapping goodness, and thoughts of good friends...i am missing you jr!

  2. Mmmm ... I so totally agree with your last statement. BRING IT ON, DES MOINES!!!!
